a series of nationally-televised debates on Unificationism aired back in 1985, Tom McDevitt, who was at that
time representing the Unification Church said this about the central role of the
family unit in Sun Myung Moon's core teachings on salvation: "The very essence of God's manifestation of life to mankind is His love.
The highest level of that love is in the family where parents create
children. The parent and child relationship is where the highest sacramental
bond can occur in the human community." (1)
As we have shown, Moon's teachings place his own paternal role as
"True Father" front and center in the scheme of salvation, accompanied
by his wife Hak Ja Han who is the "True Mother". Unificationists
around the world do not simply view Sun Myung Moon or Hak Ja Han merely as
functional heads of their movement, but as literal parental figures whose
relationship to them actually determines their eternal salvation! As incredible
as that sounds, it is fundamental to Unification theology, as we have seen.
Since God has chosen, as it is taught by Moon, to bring restoration into
mankind's fallen world through the influence of the "True Family",
then the ideal of the perfect family in closest relationship to one another
under the headship of a "True Father" logically becomes the
all-encompassing social template He will work through to bring humanity back to
Himself. The role of the True Parents is not merely a metaphor thrown around in
religious discussion groups in Unificationism, but is the heart and soul of the
movement and hence, the focus of devotion, even worship for Unificationists, as
a former member so passionately wrote:
The Parents (especially Father) had
completely replaced Jesus as the sole mediator between God and man. Learning to
love Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han would establish an incredibly powerful
relationship with God. In fact, Father said that we should have many
dreams about the True Parents and experience a deep spiritual life with
them. The spirit of the True Parents is everywhere. Therefore, if we love the
Parents so much that we miss them and want to be with them, they will come to us
in our thoughts, in visions and dreams (2).
The marriage of
Moon and Han in 1960, when he was 40 and she was a young 17, was viewed as a
"providential" stroke of world history come to pass, as nothing less
than the "Marriage Supper of the Lamb" foretold in Revelation
19:7. Nansook Hong, a lifelong Unification Church member whose parents were
pioneering evangelists for the group in Korea in the 1950's, describes how
Unificationism portrays Moon's central role as True Father in relationship to
personal salvation:
The Reverend Moon's task was to fulfill the mission of Jesus. He would
marry a perfect woman and restore mankind to the state of perfection that
existed in the Garden of Eden. He and his wife would be the world's True
Parents. They would be sinless, as would their children. Couples blessed by the
Reverend Moon would become part of his pure-blood lineage and be assured a
place in Heaven. (3)
McDevitt, when directly asked by Christian apologist Jerry Yamamoto if the
children of Moon and Han were actually sinless, corroborated Hong's statements
by emphatically answering "yes" (4). To the Unificationist, they
created the "True Family" whose care and support are of paramount
importance, and who have been bestowed with a spiritually exalted status
recognized by Unification members worldwide. "Blessed Children" is the
term that given to all of Moon's 13 children, and October 1 is a
Unification Church holiday called "Childrens' Day" that reinforces the
claim to spiritual parentage that the Moons make upon all Unificationists, with
the True Family held up as the divinely bestowed example for all mankind to look
up to: again, Hong recalls the culture of idolization in Unification
circles that in one way shape or form exists in Unificationism itself:
admired the Moon children. We all did. We coveted their beautiful mother
and powerful father. .. We were taught that (Moon) was a historic figure who
carried the burden of fallen man on his strong shoulders. We could not imagine a
holier or braver leader than Sun Myung Moon. We admired the True
Children with a similar reverence. We memorized the names and accomplishments of
all the Moon children. We added the respectful term Nim to their first
names when we addressed them. Their academic and artistic accomplishments and
their higher level of being were offered to us as evidence of their
superiority. We came as close to worshipping them as imaginable. (5)
The immaculate public image of the Blessed Children of the True Family would
appear to suggest that they are in every respect not only true, but therefore,
perfect, balanced, close-knit in intimacy and truly centered upon the salvation
of mankind. We should expect to see embodied in such a "providential"
family clan the perfect example of a Godly family standing forth in holy accord
and holy love for the desperate and unblessed families of man outside of
the ark of the Unification Church.
The Family Business: Life In The Moon Household
As we have said in other articles in this site, there are few more tragic
things in life than to behold the slaying of beautiful fantasies by ugly facts.
No more appalling fiction than the role Moon casts his family to play has been
created in Unificationism, and no more empty a claim does the
"Reverend" stake when he loudly declares himself a
champion of true family values. This is because the truth behind Moon's family
relationships is far uglier than the Unification public relations machine would
have us believe. In addition to this reality, the abusive and damaging treatment
that Unificationism has inflicted upon those "family members" it
recruits in the name of the "True Parents" authority also shows the
kind of values the Unification Church actually holds.
As detailed in Nansook Hong's painfully honest and personal reflection of her
life as a bride to Hyo Jin, Moon's eldest son, entitled
The Shadow Of The Moons, there are many dark shadows that fall
behind the scenes of the True Parents and True Family. Children born to Hak Ja
Han were swiftly assigned to "church sisters" who acted as nannies to
them and who in effect, actually raised them. A parental divide - set up by the
Moons - was established between the "True Parents" and their
"blessed children". Hong recalls Moon's utterly unbelievable
explanation for this inexplicable state of affairs among the "True
The Reverend Moon had a theological explanation for the kind of
parental neglect he and Mrs. Moon exercised .. the Messiah came first. He
expected believers to dedicate themselves to public proselytizing on his behalf,
the pursuit of personal family happiness was a self-indulgence. .. (He) even
designated particular couples among his original disciples to assume
responsibility for the moral and spiritual development of each one of the Moon
children. Assuming those parental duties himself, the Reverend Moon
argued, would distract him from his larger mission: the conversion of the
world to Unificationism.
Sun Myung Moon was not unaware of the bitterness this attitude
engendered in his children ..(in a speech he states) " I eat
breakfast with the 36 Couples, even chasing my own sons and daughters away. The
children naturally wonder, 'Why do our parents do this? Even when our
parents meet us someplace, they don't really seem to care for us.' It
is undeniable that I have loved our church members more than anybody else,
neglecting even my wife and children. This is something Heaven knows. If we live
this way, following this course in spite of our children's opposition and
neglecting our family, eventually the nation and the world will come to
understand. Our wives and children will understand, as well. This is
the kind of path you have to follow" (emphasis mine) (6).
Nansook recounts seeing time after time in the Moon household how this
heartless attitude affected Moon's children, whose isolation from parental
nurture and discipline and exaltation as faultlessly perfect human beings
resulted in the inevitable forms of self-centered carnality: "The True
Family treated the staff like indentured servants. .. Sun Myung Moon taught his
children that they were little princes and princesses and they acted
accordingly. It was embarrassing to watch and amazing to see how accepting the
staff were of the verbal abuse meted out by the Moon children. Like me, they
believed the True Family were faultless. .. Most took a perverse pleasure in
ignoring every tenet of their religion" (7).
Perhaps none
did so more terribly than her husband, Hyo Jin, the heir apparent to Moon's
conglomerate, who as so abusive a man that Nansook simply had to flee her
abusive marriage to him if not for the sake of herself but for her children. His
drug abuse, drunkenness, sexual immorality, self-centered pursuit of worldly
pleasure and twisted lifestyle in general were so shocking that at one point, he
was forced into an incredible exercise of confession to his carnality in a
Unification Church gathering in 1988. When Nansook attempted to protest his
destructive behavior, he would turn on her and both verbally and physically
abuse her (calling her a "pious scold .. a self-righteous bitch") to
the point where her children had to bring icepacks to her to soothe the black
and blue bruises he left on her. The Moons, as she recounted, made no attempt to
ever intervene or confront him, and instead heaped abuse and blame on her for
Hyo Jin's own personal irresponsibility and wickedness.
The branches of any tree bear bad fruit when the roots themselves are
diseased, damaged or dying. The pathetic moral state of the Moon children is
understandable when realizing what kind of man and father Moon really is.
Moon's own past has been neatly polished by his Unification
spin-doctors, who neatly gloss over his marital infidelity. The plain facts show
that Moon had married in Korea in 1945 at age twenty-five and then, supposedly
at the behest of God, left his family to go to northern Korea to preach.
"Sun Myung Moon, who teaches that he is the ideal Father of all God's
children, abandoned his wife and three month old son without explanation"
(8). They did not see or hear from him again for six years, after which
the marriage broke up shortly after a perfunctory reunion in 1951. Charges of
sexual immorality practiced in some abominable liturgical fashion as taught by
Moon surfaced in Korea and were supposedly documented in a book expose one
wavering Unificationist wrote in 1993, but retracted later by the Moon disciple,
who was persuaded by him to rejoin the church (9). Other instances of Moon's
well known involvement with the wives of his closest disciples are a matter of
common knowledge and documented in Hong's book.
With this kind of personal life and personal example in the "True
Family", it is utterly inconceivable that the Christian Church or any
Christian leader can even imagine that anything remotely resembling
healthy family values could be said to be embodied in their sad, yet publicly
radiant lives. Yet this is exactly what many undiscerning Christian ministers
and leaders assert and promote by their willingness to embrace Moon as a
family values champion traveling across the nation to save America's youth. For
all his theological flights of fancy to the contrary, Moon, his wife and
his family are normal, fallen human beings just like anyone else, subject to the
same failings and sins we all struggle with. The only significantly
distinguishing difference between the "True Family" and most other
human families is that they are bestowed with some of the most serious examples
of family group megalomania that we've seen in years. Their stunningly crude
hypocrisy here speaks for itself and needs no other discussion here, except the
verses of Scripture that spell out the responsibility Moon assumes but fails
miserably to carry for his own family, let alone the world's:
And, ye fathers,
not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of
the Lord. Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, provoke not your
children to anger, lest they be discouraged. Colossians 3:21
(A church leader is) one that ruleth well his own house, having his
children in subjection with all gravity; For if a man know not how to rule his
own house, how shall he take care of the church of God? 1 Timothy
Where East Meats West: The Power Of
Unification Group Dynamics
One of the most unpleasant
of realities concerning life in the Unification Church is also one of its
most overlooked. Since arriving in the United States in the 1970's, Sun Myung
Moon's efforts to establish his movement have always been shadowed by
controversies stemming from the recruiting and fund-raising tactics that his
organizations have used to attract and retain members. These techniques, where
they successfully were applied to prospective recruits across the nation since
the 1970's,
affected them in the same chilling pattern. Charges of these new recruits'
exploitation, slave labor, mind-control and the division of their formerly close
families were made again and again innumerable times across the West. And in
each case, one of the most distressing of accusations - many of which were
substantiated by irrefutable evidence - was that Unification demands for
submission by new members to the Moons as their "True Parents" always
resulted in the straining or - more often than not - severance of ties
with their natural parents and family. For all of their loudly declared passion
to strengthen families in the world today, the Unification Church actually does
more to subvert them than few other cultic groups.
The Unification Church,
being formed in Korea and imported to the United States, has a dual constituency
of lifelong Korean and Japanese members, as well as Western disciples
recruited by Unification evangelists, yet exerts an authoritarian control
over these two groups in different ways. In the cases of many lifelong members
raised in the Unification movement, as Hong was, the methodology was different,
yet the results were same, the complete submission and control of Unification
Much has been written about the coercion and brainwashing that takes
place in the Unification Church. What I experienced was conditioning. You are
isolated among like-minded people. You are bombarded with messages
elevating obedience above critical thinking. Your belief system is reinforced at
every turn. You become invested in those beliefs the longer you are associated
with the church. .. We may have been seduced into a cult, but most of us
were not cultists, we were idealists (10).
The fervency and obedience to
Moon among his disciples in Korea and Japan in the 1950's and 1960's is largely
based upon the especially close-knit group that their Unification communities
and social circles have established there. The Eastern mindset that strongly
emphasizes the family and clan ties further enhance Unification community
cohesion, and hence, the type of conditioning by socialization that Hong refers
to. The concept of "True Parents" are a unifying factor that is not
easily challenged there.
Such group dynamics initially would not
have an effective impact on Westerners steeped in individualism, so Moon's
recruitment focused on the one cultural constant through which he could best
relate to potential recruits, that being the family. With the institutional
challenges of the 1960's still very much in place in the early 1970's, and
driven by his Unification dogma on the "True Family" role in restoring
the kingdom of heaven, Moon's recruitment emphasized the necessity of being in a
strong family to know God's full plans for mankind. So Unification
recruiters turned their eyes to the one block of Westerners who would be
the most open to Moon's "restoration," and who had demonstrated so
powerfully their openness to change and revolutionary ideas, that being college
age youth. From then on, disturbing testimonials to deceptive and manipulative
ploys made by Unification recruiters began to pile up through the 1970's.
perhaps the most insidious of these was the amount of authoritarian control they
effectively used by playing upon the deep-seated desire for pleasing one's
parental authority figures in their recruits through invoking the role of the
"True Father" in their lives. Unificationists were - and are - spurred
on constantly to newer and greater efforts for their organization and church so
as not to spoil the all-important goals and desires of Moon, who for his
part, shows little to no compunction in expressing his displeasure with those he
leads. Here, the group dynamic aimed at pleasing the father-figure leader in
Unificationism is most clearly marked. Unless they were diligent in working
otherwise, it seemed that even Moon's divine patriarchy and work in setting up
the kingdom of heaven could somehow be easily upset by their lack of progress in
something as mundane as the selling of tickets to a Unification function:
an Oriental man brought what must have been bad news. Immediately, Moon flew
into a rage, yelling and shouting at the man .. And then, Moon, turned to us and
was suddenly back in a pleasant mood. My first impressions of Moon were
etched in fear. Everyone felt intimidated by him. .. (The next) morning,
Moon was upset about the dismal ticket sales. .. For those who had not sold
tickets, Moon was merciless. His attacks were scathing. He said that we were
lazy and uncaring. He said that we weren't helping to build the kingdom of
heaven on earth. There was something here that disturbed me, although it
was something I wasn't conscious of until years later. These, Moon's disciples,
had tried to sell tickets - they had just not been successful. I learned how
important results were to Moon and to the Unification Church. Here, results took
precedence over methods. It didn't matter what each Moonie's attitude had been
or what efforts had been expended. It mattered only that there was nothing to
show for it. (11)
A Family Affair: Mind Control
And Manipulation In Unificationism
Moon's abusive
authoritarianism could only have successfully worked upon people who had ceased
to think clearly with a free mind, and who also instinctively wish to please
parent figures at all costs. Creating such an audience conditioned to accept
that abuse requires a process of recruitment that uses a very well-qualified and
strategically used set of compulsions that powerfully transform those who fall
prey to them. These are actual techniques that are used to unethically and abusively compel Unification
recruits to suspend their independent thinking - as far as it concerned the
Unification Church - and to follow Moon's dictum of submitting to his way of
thinking alone: "I am a thinker. I am your brain." (12).
Such techniques are more commonly called
mind control, and were first described by thought reform researcher and
psychiatrist Robert J. Lifton. These techniques are based upon eight specific
and well-defined basic components he identified after working in a governmental
capacity investigating the tragic "brainwashing" of U.S. soldiers
during the Korean War. Lifton's eight criterion that he uses to identify mind
controlling dynamics are certainly found in Unification circles, as well
documented by one
ex-member's study of Unification Church-based mind control. The Unification
Church's entire recruitment and retention structure is based upon these powerful
means of control of behavior by control of thought. The
authoritarian dimensions of the audacious claim by Moon to his disciple's minds
underlies the power of local Unification leaders, as one ex-member recalled, who
would demand of new recruits total and unquestioning obedience to Moon: "You
have many concepts, many philosophies from your experiences. But we must be
children with open hearts and learn again. If you have concepts, put them
away!" (13) In other words, diversity of thought and difference of opinion
are seen as disruptive, even undesirable qualities in the Unification
world. Indeed, as another makes abundantly clear, a firm hierarchal chain
of authority with the "True Father's" dictates as the final word are
to be the norm in Unificationism: " 'I get direct instruction from Reverend
Moon. This center gets direct instruction from me. The Principle teaches
that my authority must be accepted by local members as if I was Master.'
(nodding to) the portrait of Moon" (14)
usage of the concept of the family in his recruiting, stemming from his belief
that he actually is the "True Father" over all of his disciples,
is where much of the most damaging influence of Unificationism arises. Prospects
then and now were placed by Church recruiters into settings that are aimed at
psychologically wearing them down and leading them to suspend critical thinking
by playing upon the very idealism and dreams that drew them to an introductory
lecture in a hotel ballroom, a student union, or chance meetings on the street.
They are persuaded to believe a True Father is in charge of the spirit and
natural worlds, and that one's relationship to him and his "True
Family" of sinless children are essential to his ability to know God. New
recruits are then spirited away to a secluded spot or series of encounters
with Unificationists bent upon swaying them into joining "the Family."
It is the usage of what is called "love bombing" (the smothering
of new recruits with unconditional love and affirmation as "brothers and
sisters") that emotionally and intellectually hooks the unwary. Once they
make a commitment to staying with the group, further social isolation through
Unification indoctrination becomes endlessly reinforced, and the necessity for
remaining faithful to the "True Family" at all costs is
Natural parental relationships are muted, and in many
instances, discouraged by Unification recruiters who point out quickly something
to the effect that "most probably, they will not understand your
commitment. .. The devil is sly and often works through those we love the most
to try to get us away from the God's work" (15). So even family ties and
commitments are distanced from and even ignored by Unificationists no matter
what: ex-member Chris Elkins recalls the response of a young woman at a
Unification church retreat when informed by police that her mother had died,
after consulting with a leader:
I could see that her mind was just
beginning to absorb the news. "Mr. Lee," she said to Marc, "I
think that you are right. Satan is trying to draw me away from here. He is using
my mother's death to try to draw me away." I couldn't believe what I was
hearing. This girl's mother had just died, and March had her convinced that
Satan was using the death to draw her away from us. .. "If you can
remain faithful through this, God will have great things in store for you. You
must not go for any reason now." "Oh, thank you, Mr. Lee," she
said. But I could see tears in her eyes. The longer we stood there in silence,
the harder she fought back the sorrow she needed to express. "Be
strong," Marc whispered, "we are your family." (16)
free usage of implanted phobias only reinforce the "True Family"
dimensions of Unification socialization: irrational fears are planted in the
minds of Unificationists as an unbelievably powerful means of curbing dissent,
and encouraging complete obedience to Moon's teachings. And the kinds of fear
Unificationists must grapple with is an almost overwhelming experience that many
other cultic groups (such as the Jehovah's Witnesses) also deliberately use to
control members. Fears of evil spirits, fear of life outside the group, fear of
displeasing the "True Father," fears of spiritual death and physical
breakdown, even death, constantly plague the mind of many a Unificationist
contemplating courses of action or thought contrary to what they've been told to
keep in mind!
The Family's Ties That Bind: Recent
Unification Activities
practices, as best as we can tell, still go on today. The patriarchal "True
Father" figure that Moon assumes over his Unification flock only magnifies
his power over his disciples, and even today, scattered bands of Unificationists
still take to the streets to fundraise. Gone are the days in
which passionate "Moonie" lecturers complete with blackboards would
preach and teach on American street corners at 3:00 a.m, and one
might think that now, in the year 2001, such activity would be a thing of the
past, but one could not be more mistaken. New recruits for Moon's organization
are still being sought, but now also in Third World and Eastern European
settings (as seen here in Lithuania, where a Unificationist passionately
witnesses) where opposition to Moon is still quite nominal, but where the spiritual hunger
of the masses spell a golden opportunity for them. And his organization in those
far-flung regions still use methods that are clearly patterned after those used back
then, and the horror stories of Unification abuse in the name of God and the
"True Father" continue.
Parents still watch their children in colleges
and universities dropping out of school, withdrawing from their families and
friends circles, and becoming detached, yet zealous converts to the Unification
cause. In many cases, they gave up careers and marriages and even turned over
personal assets totalling untold millions of dollars to a plethora of
Unification causes. Their family ties may become torn apart for years. Hundreds of these people, under the direction of
Japanese and Korean Unification leaders, will then be deployed across the nation to
sell flowers at busy street corners, to hold Divine Principle teaching
sessions in dorm rooms, or to infiltrate political and academic circles to
further Unification goals. Although we do not condone the practice of forcible
deprogramming, the feelings of a father who had his "Moonie" son go
through the process are nevertheless fully understandable when he stated
that "the Unification Church had taken away my son's will and ability to
think for himself. (He) deserved to have those things returned whatever the
cost" (17).
ranch shown here in northern California is a typical example of the kinds of
remote facilities that the Unification Church uses to isolate and indoctrinate
prospects, and it was on this ranch that a delegation of Russian students was
flown from their homeland by Moon's recruiters in 1991. Two of them later
claimed in a 1993 lawsuit that they had been fraudulently promised advanced
education but were instead subjected to manipulative interaction aimed at
converting them to Unificationism - the same kind of documented activity that
went on in Unification recruitment settings in the 1970's. One well-documented case, followed by
millions of viewers of the Today Show on NBC in 1993, showed how one 18
year old girl, Cathryn Mazer, refused to speak to her family for five
months after being recruited by the Unification Church, and how the group kept
moving her from location to location to keep her family from finding her. By
isolating her
from contact with them, they hoped to dissuade her from leaving
the group, and forbade any contact with them to guarantee her personal salvation
despite the excruciating agony it caused both her and her family. Her mother
somehow managed to gain access to her in this townhouse, and she left the
group the day this video was shot to never return. But she, too, has
discovered the cold truth about the Unification Church's willingness to
manipulate and control men and women to its advantage supposedly for their
"own good."
What Unification Church spokesman Phillip Schanker dismisses as
"snapshot experiences" (testimonies that are isolated and so bizarre
as to be discredited as the product of angry, bitter people), far too many
people learned all too quickly was a grim and terrifying reality. The Unification movement dismisses the countless case histories of these
individuals as the creation of Moon critics, however; too many
by former members all over the world detail too common a pattern of abusive
control of their lives that cannot be denied. Many of them point to instances of
emotional manipulation, coercive techniques used to intimidate members,
and intentionally
fostered group-dynamic pressures for conformity as exercised by Unification
leaders and recruiters over their lives.
As Nansook Hong put it
well, "it isn't as easy as it used to be to find impressionable young
people willing to spend eighteen hours a day selling novelty items out of the
back of a van to raise money for the Messiah" (18). However,
some "trinities" on their MFT (Mobile Fundraising Team) missions are still around, as businesses
and individuals in several communities just off the East Tennessee
Interstate 75 corridor know all too well. This recent picture, of a band of
Unificationists plying cutlery, children's videos, and bathrobes from business
to business here in Cleveland, Tennessee is ample proof of this. We even met one
young Armenian Unificationist who knocked on our door a few months ago offering
candy for sale. All wore badges identifying themselves as Unification Church
workers, but none offered for a minute any explanation for their purely
merchandising approach. No one attempted to give us tracts, invite us to a
Divine Principle study or even mention anything religious. But all were ready to
sell to me every crumb and every thread of the beat-up material they had been
sent to hawk. Indeed, the bottom line for the Family still is - as it always was
- the bottom line. Exploiting the bright idealism and genuine desire to serve
their fellow man, these poor Unificationists couldn't have begun to see
how much of a mind-controlled group they were.
Clearly, Unificationists still are out earning money for the
glory of the True Parents and the True Family, still thinking that their efforts
will bring the Kingdom of heaven to earth again. As humble and sincere folk
truly trying to merit God's favor, they never suspect how opulently
the Moon family lives off of their sacrifice, much less knowing that the
"True Family" are as human and sinful as all the rest of mankind, and
that they too are saturated with the great need to repent of their presumptuous
pride and carnality and turn to the True Lord Jesus Christ in faith for eternal
salvation. But when one's father is Sun Myung Moon, who claims to have succeeded
where Jesus failed, whose financial empire is largely run on petty cash, and who
routinely claims to see the "spirit world" bowing before him
(including Jesus himself), what more could you expect?.