By Rev. Rafael Martinez, Spiritwatch
The Unification Church views a 500+ page book called the
Divine Principle as
it's holy book of inspired scripture. The fundamentals of
Unificationism's teaching and worldview are set forth in the work, and the
upholding of its authority is evident in Moon's prolific speeches, writings and
teachings as collected and published by the movement. What Moon and his
followers do not say as quickly is how dimly the Christian Bible is viewed in
relation to the Divine Principle's supposedly far superior revelation:
The Divine Principle ... is truth in its fullest meaning, but not the
Bible word by word. The Divine Principle clearly shows how the Bible is symbolic
and how it is parabolic .. . The Divine Principle gives the true meaning of the
secret behind the verse. (1) Until our mission with the
Christian Church is over, we must quote the Bible and use it to explain the
Divine Principle. After we receive the inheritance of the Christian, we will
be free to teach without the Bible. (2).
Setting forth it's supremacy to the Bible, Moon's Divine Principle
claims that
at the time of the Second Advent, the Lord will surely not simply repeat
the New Testament words, given 2000 years ago, but will give the new words
necessary to establish the new heavens and the new earth. However, the
Christians of today, who are captives to scriptural words, will surely criticize
the words and conduct of the Lord of the Second Advent, according to the limits
of what the New Testament words literally state. (3)
These "new words" obviously refer to the Divine Principle
and the "Christians of today" are depicted as the chief opponents to
Moon's work due to their stubborn literalism and "captivity" to the
New Testament. Such a critical and negative condemnation was first squarely
aimed at Korean Christians who had discerned the twisted teaching and lifestyle
of Moon by the Bible, and indeed, at all Bible-"captive" Christians.
If any doubt remains in just how the Unification Church and Moon views the
authority of the Bible, these quotes from the Divine Principle will make
their position abundantly clear:
It may be displeasing to religious believers, especially to Christians, to
learn that a new expression of truth must appear. They believe the Bible, which
they now have, is perfect and absolute in itself. Truth, of course, is unique,
eternal, unchangeable and absolute. The Bible, however, is not the truth itself,
but a textbook teaching the truth. .. Therefore, we must not regard the textbook
as absolute in every detail. .. It is thus impossible to satisfy completely
man's desire for truth, in this modern scientific civilization, by using the
same method of expressing the truth, in parables and symbols, which was used to
awaken the people of an earlier age. In consquence, today the truth must appear
with a higher standard and with a scientific method of expression in order
to enable intelligent modern man to understand it. We call this the new truth ..
a new truth that can elucidate the fundamental concepts of the Bible so clearly
that everyone can recognize and agree with it. (4)
Biblical truth, therefore, is not viewed as absolute, but is a source of
teaching "parables and symbols" that must be restated as a prophetic
"updating" for modern man. So the Bible is actually then reinterpreted
in many of the spiritual concepts expressed in the Divine Principle to
"enable" contemporary humanity to understand the "truth"!
Moon, in referring to the Principle as a "new truth" with
which the "fundamental concepts" found in the Bible can be
"recognized", sets forth his interpretation as the truly
authoritative rendering of what it really means. This is an unequivocal and
final rejection of the authority of Scripture for the sake of Moon's new method
of "expression" of it's truth. This is evident throughout the
book - and other discourses by Moon - which subtly incorporates many elements of
non-Christian influence such as Korean interpretations of Buddhism, Taoistic
dualism, and Korean folk religion with its emphasis on the ancestral spirit
world and shamanism. Although cloaked in page after page of Scripture
references and teachings based on Bible passages, enough Biblical truth is
expressed to cover these emphases with a cloak of orthodoxy and legitimacy. This
surely is the foundation of what has been called "heavenly
deception" by Moon recruiters in the 1970's, the blurring or
dissolution of the lines between what is true and what is false for the sake of
Unification goals.
The Faith "Restored": How
Unificationism Twists Biblical Truth
So we can see that in the Divine Principle, Unificationism actually
Christian theology completely. It describes God as a divine energy based upon
dual qualities of male and female (thus denying God's Triune nature as Father,
Son and Holy Spirit), the Fall of man as entirely sexual in nature, presents
Korea as the new Israel and the "True Father", the "Lord Of The
Second Advent" as the real savior of mankind (with his wife being -
of course - the "True Mother"). Jesus is said by the Principle
to be merely a perfected man who could not be said to truly be divine,
and whose only claim to God-likeness was that he had no original sin. His
mission was to restore the "holy lineage" of "holy children"
untainted with the stain of Adam's original sin, but due to his failure to take
a wife and produce this offspring, his task of fathering these sinless children
was left undone.
Using intricate systems of chronological calculation, the book
further asserts that two dispensations of time have passed in a precise
order that ensures that God's plans for this "true family," thwarted
in Jesus failure' at the cross, are being fulfilled at this time. These dual
dispensational periods are
dated in spans of 2000 years each (as seen in
this Unification chart used to define these time periods as portrayed in those
1985 videos), and just as Jesus
came 2000 years after Abraham's patriarchy, the Divine Principle claims, so will
the second coming of the Messiah come 2000 years after the death of Jesus, whose
resurrection was not physical, but spiritual in nature.
Just as divine intervention in history wrought in Israel the changes
necessary to have brought forth Jesus, so the Divine Principle argues,
God again moved providentially in history to use Korea to bring forth
"the Lord of the Second Advent", "that one individual who can
meet God's standard .. one person, one single man, a central figure"
(5). That person, of course, was none other than Sun Myung Moon, whose
spiritual calling stemmed from a divine revelation received as a 16 year old
Presbyterian boy in prayer on a Korean hillside, a scenario not at all unlike
many other groups across history (Joseph Smith, founder of the
Day Saint Church, in one well known example, also claimed to have the same
kind of heavenly vision that authorized his "restoration" work). God
has specially chosen Moon of Pusan to usher in the restoration of all things, a
humble, simple man as unassuming and obscure as Jesus of Nazareth surely was.
And also like these same groups, Unification apologists freely use the Bible to
support their positions with a haphazard series of prooftexting and then cast it
aside again when it doesn't, as Tom McDevitt, a Unification minister did in one of the 1985 videotape sets that the Unification Church distributed across
the United States. At the very climax of his presentation, McDevitt cites Revelation 7:2 as a reference to the
emergence of an "angel" from the direction of "the rising
of the sun" and points out that this prophetic passage could only be
referring to the Messiah's emergence in a "Eastern country" .. like
Korea! For the record, McDevitt doesn't address one question raised by his
interpretation, namely, why Moon, while living in Korea itself, didn't view the
"Eastern country" as a reference to a country other than Korea
since it was there where the supposed revelation from God was sent (a logical
and reasonable explanation would have been the United States itself.
The Moon Became The Son
As the "True Father", come to finish the work Jesus failed to
complete, Moon's mission is simple to understand - he is the Lord of the Second
Advent come to save the world by his perfect life. This global salvation is
accomplished by what Unification thought calls "True Marriages." These
marital unions are arranged by Moon's match-making and ensure that his blessing
of a spiritually pure-blood lineage be granted to those who submitted to his
spiritual authority, namely, members of Unificationism. Only this
"blessing" could assure a Unificationist a place in Heaven, as well as
their adherence to Moon's strict rules of conduct, active work in spreading the
Unification gospel, and their ability to pay what is called
"indemnity", a way of making amends for the sins of mankind both past
and present to pave the way for the establishment of the Kingdom of
Heaven. Indemnity is what Moon's true believers fall back upon when they fail to
advance, in whatever way, the principles of Unificationism in some
pragmatic manner, and can include large donations to the movement, all night
sessions of prayer, repentance, cold showers, and many other arduous things.
Throughout Unification thought, the cross of Christ is viewed as only one great
form of indemnity that Jesus paid because he failed in his "first
mission", while Moon's work is viewed as far superior a work of final
indemnity that will decisively bring redemption to the world. If this view
sounds unbelievable, to say the least, allow these excerpts
from a 1996 Moon speech to
explain. They are a condensed version of how Moon contrasts himself to Jesus in
keeping with this new "revelation" concerning "true
marriage" as discussed (in far more tedious manner) in the Divine
Jesus, in the place of Adam as the Son of God, should have received as his
bride the younger sister of someone in an archangelic position. That bride was
to have been none other than Zechariah's daughter, the younger sister of John
the Baptist. To fulfill this in a world where Satan plays the role of owner and
lord, Jesus needed a foundation of protection formed by absolute faith.
Tragically, the entire foundation ended up collapsing around him. .. Mary did
not help Jesus with the wedding he desired. She even opposed it. This was the
direct reason that Jesus could not receive his bride, and could not become the
True Parent; and this forced him to go the way of the cross.
Faced with the opposition of Mary, Zechariah, Elizabeth, and finally John
the Baptist, Jesus gave up hope for their protection as he sought to fulfill his
mission. Therefore, Jesus left his home in search of a new spiritual foundation
to restart the Providence of Salvation.
With his family-level foundation lost, Jesus sought to replace it. That was
his three-year course. .. In the end, as people disbelieved and the
disciples lost faith, Jesus took Satan's attack. And as his foundation crumbled
he went the way of the cross. Originally, Jesus came to the earth as the
Messiah to give blessings to his disciples and all humankind. He was to build
the sinless Kingdom of Heaven. But because of the lack of faith in him, he could
not receive his bride, he could not become the True Parent, and he could not
accomplish his mission. This is why he promised to return. ...
Lord of the Second Advent comes to perfect the foundation of God's Providence of
Restoration left uncompleted by Jesus. That is to say, he comes as the seed of
the original True Child to complete the ideal of creation. He comes to complete
the ideal of True Parents, who are the origin of the True Love, True Life, and
the True Lineage of God. He
comes on the victorious foundation of the
fundamental providence of God's side up to the time of Jesus. He also stands
upon the victorious foundation of Jesus' life and finds the bride that Jesus
could not find. Together they become the True Parents to save all humankind.
Through the blessing of new marriages that pass on God's original blood
lineage, the True Parents will be able to give salvation to all humanity.
People will become True Persons engrafting into the True Love, True Life, and
True Lineage of God. Furthermore, the Messiah will establish a True Family,
creating the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Thus, it is the International Holy
Weddings that establish this new blood lineage when the Lord of the Second
Advent comes in the flesh. ... He will transform this world into the Kingdom of
Heaven on earth under the dominion of God, opening the Kingdom of Heaven in the
spirit world for registration. Humanity will enter into the era of kingship both
spiritually and physically centered on God; and establish a world of victory,
freedom, happiness, and unity; and create the Heavenly Kingdom on earth and in
the spirit world, which is God's ideal of creation. (6)
Moon's presumption in believing himself to be the Messiah whose sexual
union with his wife is the foundation for the salvation of mankind is a claim
too unreal to be believed. Yet it is from this belief that he offers his
teachings on the redemption of mankind in
allusions to sexuality that are a pervasive theme in many of his teachings.
But he provides absolutely no solid Biblical evidence supporting these strange,
voyeuristic declarations or those found in the Divine Principle, except
to assert that his claim to divine commission must be taken at face value.
Believing himself
to be free from original sin, and to have the power to grant to
"blessed couples" an infusion of "God's original blood
lineage" for the salvation of the world, Moon has spent many millions of
dollars in lavish gatherings around the world in organizing the matching and
marriage of thousands of men and women in keeping with this belief, and one such
couple's file is displayed here. Yet none of this is even
vaguely supportable by Biblical precept - the actual origins of Moon's doctrine
of blood purification came from his contact with two mystical Korean religious
figures, Baek
Moon Kim and Kim Seongdo, who were his spiritual contemporaries in the
war-torn Korean peninsula in the 1940's and 1950's. Both held to the belief that
the Fall of mankind stemmed from illlicit sexuality on the part of Adam, Eve and
Satan, and that part of the mission of Jesus was to "purify man's
bloodlines by marrying and producing sinless children" (7)
The Bible Says About Unification Claims
Despite the protests of the Unification movement to the contrary, the Bible's
inspiration and supreme authority is impregnable from the vantage point of both
history and Scriptural precept itself. A common Unification belief in the 1970's
was that by the year 2000 the majority of the world's population
would accept the authority of the Divine Principle and the True Parents
(8). The year has come and gone and neither of these Unification institutions
has even been heard about, much less accepted as divine and authoritative by the
global masses (you won't find the Principle sold at checkout stands at
the local convenience mart, for example). Yet the Bible still continues to be
the world's best-seller, and billions of copies of it, translated into hundreds
of languages roll off printing presses from one end of the world to another.
This is because of the indisputably divine nature and power it has, as attested
to in 2 Timothy 3:16-17:
All scripture is given
by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness:
the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
The Bible, in short, is the scripture referred to here, as may be seen when
studying the verse in the proper context, and not the Divine Principle.
It is the Bible that has an undeniably permanent place in American
spirituality, and not Moon's publications.
There is neither any suggestion anywhere in the Bible that Jesus was somehow
unsuccessful in his work of salvation - necessitating that someone else
"complete" the work that He alone as God Incarnate could accomplish.
Indeed, the whole New Testament affirms the Christian's conviction that it is is
the Lord Jesus Christ alone who "hath delivered us from the power of
darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we
have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins" as
stated in Colossians 1:13-14. Jesus' sacrifice at the cross is that basis for
man's deliverance from his sin, and entrance into the Kingdom He rules over.
What a relief from the spiritual maze of Eastern mysticism that Moon's teaching
leads the zealous into -- but not through! It is the blood of Jesus Christ
that makes one free from their sin and opens the doors of heaven to all who will
trust in Him. This is the precious truth of the Gospel that
Unificationism buries under it's own tradition and dogma, choosing instead to
heap upon the backs of its members a morbid obsession with paying indemnity and
fighting evil "spirits of doubt" to remain true to it's traditions.
These are religious works that can never save, provide peace or real life to
one's years in this sorrowful world.
While Moon and
the Unification movement may continue to point fingers at Jesus and observe what
a colossal failure he was, it only reveals just how totally devoid of
understanding, and hence truth, that they really are. The Bible's answer is that
the Cross of Christ - viewed as a symbol of a fumbling Jesus' "Plan
B" in the Principle - is the very instrument by which all who wish
to enter the Kingdom of Heaven may do so, the sole means for absolute victory
over all of God's spiritual and human enemies, and a cause for real celebration,
as Colossians 2:13-15 explain:
And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh,
hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was
contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having
spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing
over them in it.
It is at Calvary that Jesus Christ utterly vanquished the power of sin and
sealed the victory he has wrought over all demonic and human enemies throughout
the ages since then, "able to save them to the uttermost that come unto
God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them"
(Hebrews 7:25), being the only man of whom it could be said "after he
offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God; from
henceforth expecting till that his enemies be made his footstool. For by one
offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified"
(Hebrews 10:12-14). In light of this truly glorious truth, all of Moon's
arrogantly claimed victories in the spirit world for spiritual breakthrough on
earth, all of his asceticism and sacrifice, all that he is said to have
done to save the world falls into the dust here! Moon's demand for
Unificationists to perform "indemnity," an arduous series of
proscribed acts aimed at paying a "fraction" of our debt to God are a
futile exercise of humanly-proscribed religious works that Ephesians 2:8-9
completely explodes with the revelation of what God's real redemption is truly
based upon: "For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should
Sadly, too many of the Christians now affiliating themselves with Moon and
his organizationally- driven moral crusade bandwagon seem to be totally ignorant
of his antichristian perversion of Christian orthodoxy, or find that his
twisting of Biblical truth an acceptable option. We can not disagree more
strongly, especially when the differences are as clear as night and day, as
right from left. There is no excuse for Christians to not "know them
which labour among you" (1 Thess. 5:12) and to not know who Sun Myung
Moon really is and what he really stands for.
We will even go even
further to say this: those Christians who persist in supporting Moon's agenda in light of his
antichristian assumption of being the Messiah are betraying Jesus Christ again -
only it isn't for twelve pieces of silver, but for the applause of men, fat
checks to someone's charity, and gold-plated watches. This is the price of
sell-out and compromise, and in a day of long-prophesied apostasy before the
coming of the real Lord, our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, these horrible
spectacles are to expected. Yet how many red faces there will be in the
Judgment! We pray that ours be not among them, and it is our earnest desire that
"whosoever will" among the Christians currently giving moral support
to Moon also escape this dreadful certainty by withdrawing it!